The Master Plan is a design drawing made by the Designer that includes the entire scope of the landscape project and is suitable to give to a contractor for a bid. The contractor uses this document as the “blueprint” to create the garden.
Prior to the first meeting you will receive a Client & Site Survey to fill out addressing existing conditions, your needs and desires and how you want to use your garden space. Please begin thinking about budget, time line and personal style. The garden design fee and payment schedule are discussed. The Designer visits the site several times during the design process.
The development of a Master Plan involves the following steps:
During our initial meeting, you and Kathryn will become acquainted. In the course of the meeting we’ll:
- View Garden space;
- Review Client & Site Survey;
- Clarify goals, dreams & wishes;
- Provide an overview of the Design method;
- Answer questions, note comments, and discuss observations;
- Provide an overview of the Garden Installation Process;
- Discuss your budget and a payment schedule.
During a site analysis, Kathryn performs the following tasks:
- Evaluate existing garden: sun/shade, good/bad views, soil composition, slopes,
utility areas, overhead wires, plants, water, hardscape (paths, patios, decks, water falls, etc.); - Photograph & Measure;
- Develop a Base Map: In-scale (i.e. 1/4″ = 1 ft) location of house, property
lines, hardscape, slope, plants, views, etc.
Working with the client information, the site analysis and the base map Kathryn will develop ideas using a variety of techniques: design sketches on tracing paper, photo overlays, perspective drawings, notes etc. She may visit the site several times during this process.
- Meeting with the homeowner to review ideas and clarify the developed design concepts;
- More sketches, more ideas, more meetings if necessary to determine exactly what the final design will be.
This is the day we’ve been working toward during the landscape design process, the day we get a completed view of your garden on paper. You’ll be provided with the following items:
- Design presentation and documents;
- Hardscape design drawing on 18″ x 24″ or larger paper, in 1/4-inch or 1/8-inch scale showing the location of everything to be included in the garden: paths, patios, planting beds, utility areas, water features, play areas, etc. (three copies);
- A Layout Plan, the hardscape design with easy to read measurements for the contractor (two copies);
- Planting Plan (three copies), including a complete Plant List with botanical names, common names and sizes (three copies); OR Shop for plants with the designer. See Garden Installation.
Confused? Let’s meet at a coffee shop near my office to get acquainted, talk about your project, view my portfolio and determine what services you need. This ½ hour meeting is free.