Apex Wellness Center Slideshow

A Dream Comes True After this badly-neglected Lent’s house was acquired by a chiropractor for a Wellness Center River City Gardens was hired to design and oversee the implementation of an Eco-Friendly Garden. The Portland Development Commission gave a Green Features Grant for the landscape. The following criteria were required: prevent soil erosion, improve soil […]

Apex Wellness Center

How we began… A modest neglected house in Lent’s was acquired by a chiropractor whose dream was to open a Wellness Center in her neighborhood.  The Lent’s area was targeted as an urban renewal neighborhood with public funds for property improvements. After the house was remodeled River City Gardens was hired to design and oversee […]

A Northeast Portland Family Garden

A Garden Where Fairies Can Play “My children and I purchased a home in Sabin/Alameda that was surrounded by lawn. Brand new to the Pacific Northwest, we turned to Kathryn to create a sustainable garden that would thrive during the growing season and shine during the rainy season. The mandate my children gave her was […]

Under the Empress Tree

A Garden Is Transformed The house was designed by a well known local architect in 1960. The homeowners, a lovely couple and their sweet dog, wanted to upgrade the landscaping as they enjoy entertaining and wanted to spend more time outdoors. We began out back in the shade of the majestic empress tree. An old […]

A Quilter’s Garden