How we began…
A modest neglected house in Lent’s was acquired by a chiropractor whose dream was to open a Wellness Center in her neighborhood. The Lent’s area was targeted as an urban renewal neighborhood with public funds for property improvements.
After the house was remodeled River City Gardens was hired to design and oversee the implementation of an Eco-Friendly Garden. The Portland Development Commission gave a Green Features Grant for the landscape. The following criteria were required: prevent soil erosion, improve soil quality, protect water quality, water conservation and watershed health.
Certifications Awarded for Eco-Friendly Landscape
Certified Backyard Habitat: PLATINUM
A Portland program to remove aggressive weeds, create wildlife habitats and garden responsibly Awarded by The Columbia Land Trust and Audubon Society of Portland.
Certified Wildlife Habitat, National Wildlife Federation
This program promotes urban projects that provide habitat for wild creatures.
Below is a list of each of the elements that combined to create this beautiful, sustainable landscape.
Front Yard
- Two Rain Gardens for three disconnected downspouts.
- Local camas grey rock for retaining wall
- Organic soil preparation
- Permeable paving to let rainwater percolate into the soil.
- Some native plants
- Gracious and safe entry path
- Bike racks for clients
- Saved several existing plants
- Beautiful healing garden to greet clients and staff
Back Yard
- 1550 gallon roof water storage cistern for watering garden
- Rain garden for cistern overflow
- Diverse native plants with food for wildlife
- Eco lawn requiring less water & mowing
- Bike shed for staff
- Eco roof on bike shed to absorb rain water
- Organic soil preparation
- Professional pruning of 2 large birches and arborvitaes to preserve The urban canopy
- Beautiful healing garden for clients, staff and adjacent apartment dwellers
You can visit this garden at 5308 SE Rhone St., Portland 97206, near Powell Blvd., 52nd Avenue and Foster Rd. [MAP]